Further Positions — at the ANU or Internationally

If you are a motivated and knowledgeable student, then of course I would love to supervise you! Sadly, there is always limited funding (and time), so I cannot accept everybody. So I list a few options how you could find other positions or supervisors.

The advice provided below could, partially, be specific to PhD positions, but also gives advice that can be used for finding post-doc positions or "just" ANU research projects (that ANU undergraduate students need on a regular basis).

International Opportunities

  • If you are open to make a PhD (or post-doc) in AI Planning anywhere in the world, consider subscribing to the mailing lists planning-list~AT~googlegroups.com and icaps-conference~AT~googlegroups.com. Just search for them on google groups to subscribe. Every two(ish) weeks there's an announcement for PhD (and post-doc) positions.

  • PhD announcements by colleagues:
    (Sorted alphabetically by supervisor name.)

    • Interested in the intersection of planning and ontologies? Check out the PhD and post-doc announcements by my colleague Prof. Dr. Birte Glimm from Ulm University, Germany, and/or drop her an email (birte dot glimm at uni-ulm.de) for questions or applications.
    • Want to be more involved in researching on how to apply fundamentals of AI-planning in real-world applications? Check out the PhD and post-doc announcements by my colleague Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jean Jane Kiam from the Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany, and/or drop her an email (jane dot kiam at unibw dot de) for questions or applications.
    • Associate Prof. Jendrik Seipp leads a research lab at Linköping University, Sweden, which offers planning-related PhD positions.
    • If you are interested in topics related to human-aware AI, human-robot interaction or explainable planning, feel free to reach out to Assistant Prof. Sarath Sreedharan from Colorado State University, US, via email (ssreedh3 at colostate dot edu).
  • Research Projects by colleagues:

    • My colleague Dr. Rahul Shome is working on computational robotics and has ongoing student project openings in areas of planning and learning on real and simulated robots.

Supervisors and Research Projects at the ANU

  • PhD and Post-doc Announcements of ANU Planning Group by our planning researchers. Note that not everybody seeking a PhD has an announcement online. So you could consider to reach out pro-actively. Also

  • PhD and post-doc annoucements in my school. This lists several announcement pages (like the one already linked right above) per group in the school of computing.

  • List of all available PhD supervisors. This convenient list lists all available supervisors, so working through that might be worthwhile. Keep in mind that webpages are usually always outdated...

  • My colleague Assoc. Prof. Charles Gretton has a post-doc position to offer.

  • The following lists clusters and groups, collections of ANU researchers working on related topics.

  • If you are looking for a research project, don't forget that you could also take part in a TechLauncher. According to my personal understanding, these are not research projects, but software projects, where you will have to implement, in a team with several peers, a larger software project that somebody else proposed. This might be from the industry or academia, either way it's a piece of software that somebody is genuinely interested in! I think only about half the time is invested in producing the software, whereas the remaining time is invested into reporting and quality assurance. But don't trust my words (that's literally just my personal understanding based on a few conversations I had!), instead check out the webpage by yourself! (Anyway, I think that's a great opportunity that you should consider! I'd certainly do it if I were still a student...)

  • Here you find lists of research projects of the college of Engineering, Computing & Cybernetics