Seminars at Ulm University

Most German Universities offer seminars, and usually each students need to choose around two or three of them to graduate. Seminars consist of only a very few talks delivered by the organizers. In them, foundations of scientific writing are explained:

  • What kinds of publications exist?
  • How to do literature research?
  • How to write (good) scientific papers?
  • How to give a (good) scientific talk? (With good slides.)
  • How to write a review? The students vote for a specific topic of their choice (offered by the organizers, according to the seminar topic) and then have to read and understand a small number of scientific papers according to their picked topic. Until the end of the seminar they have to write a seminar paper which summarizes their assigned papers thus practicing writing a scientific work. Students review each others work, on which basis they also improve them. In a final event they present their works to each other via presentations.

Introductory Seminars Organized

In the seminar I organized I also supervised between one and three students.

  • Artificial Intelligence (SS 19) -- this seminar was organized by me

Seminars Supported

In the seminars I supported I supervised between one and three students.

Introductory Seminars

  • Artificial Intelligence (Summer Term 18)
  • Artificial Intelligence (Winter Term 17/18)
  • Artificial Intelligence (Summer Term 17)
  • Artificial Intelligence (Summer Term 16)
  • Artificial Intelligence (Winter Term 15/16)
  • Artificial Intelligence (Summer Term 15)
  • Artificial Intelligence (Summer Term 13)
  • Artificial Intelligence (Summer Term 12)


  • Advances in Artificial Intelligence (Winter Term 17/18)
  • Advances in Artificial Intelligence (Summer Term 17)
  • Artificial Companions (Summer Term 16)
  • Advances in Artificial Intelligence (Winter Term 13/14)
  • Advances in Artificial Intelligence (Winter Term 12/13)
  • Advances in Artificial Intelligence (Summer Term 12)