Reviewing -- per Venue

I first list all my reviewing responsibilities by venue. Scroll down to see my reviewing activities by year (excluding journals). Explanations on Conference/Workshop acronyms can be found at the very end.

Reviewer for Journals:

(Mostly severely outdated and years omitted -- both on purpose to maintain anonymity.)

  • Journal of Artificial Intelligence (JAIR) (at least 1 article)
  • Theoretical Computer Science (at least 1 article, awarded for outstanding reviewing)
  • IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (at least 1 article)
  • KI – Künstliche Intelligenz (at least 3 articles in a Special Issue on Companion Technologies for which I was a guest editor)

Reviewer for Book Chapters:

  • 2020: Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz (Eng.: Handbook of AI), Eds.: Görz, Schneeberger, Schmid (reviewed one chapter)
  • 2017: Companion Technology: A Paradigm Shift in Human-Technology Interaction, Eds.: Biundo and Wendemuth (reviewed two chapters)

Senior Program Committee (SPC) Member at Conferences:

At the ICAPS conference, the SPC "decides" upon acceptance or rejection and writes the meta review. (Technically, the PC chairs decide, but with only a few exceptions they follow the SPC's recommendation.) What's the SPC at ICAPS is the AC (area chair) at IJCAI. The SPC at IJCAI is essentially a PC with an additional round of reviews for an early rejection phase.

  • ICAPS: 2019, 2021-2023*
    (*honored as outstanding SPC member at ICAPS 2022)
  • IJCAI: 2021

Program Committee (PC) Member at Conferences:

  • AAAI: 2015, 2017–2019*, 2021*–2025
    (*honored as outstanding PC member for AAAI 2019 and 2021)
  • CogSci: 2022
  • ECAI: 2020, 2024
  • IJCAI: 2013, 2019–2020*, 2023-2024
    (*I've joined the IJCAI PC (or SPC) board for three years, 2021-2023)
  • IJCAI-ECAI: 2018, 2022
  • KR: 2024
  • PRICAI: 2023

Reviewer for Conferences:

The distinction between a PC member and a reviewer is a bit subtle. Mostly, reviewers are subreviewers of a PC member, where the PC member is officially responsible -- and for a bunch of papers, but he/she might invite subreviewers for specific papers in his/her bunch (e.g., if the expertise fits nicely).

  • AAAI: 2012, 2014, 2020
  • ECAI: 2016
  • ICAPS: 2012, 2015-2018, 2020, 2024
  • KI: 2012-2013
  • RSS: 2024

Program Committee (PC) Member at Workshops:

  • CGW: 2017
  • HAXP: 2023-2024
  • HPLAN: 2018-2024 (I was also its chair)
  • RDDPS workshop (PC)
  • TSDO: 2024
  • WIPC: 2021 (I was also an organiser)
  • XAI: 2024
  • XAIP: 2020, 2022

Reviewer for Student Conferences:

Reviewing -- per Year

All that follows can be inferred from the above, so it's inherently redundant. But whereas the above shows well where I reviewed, the review load per year is not that well visible. I thus list it again ordered by year. Note that reviewing for journals has been excluded here as years were not given above either (for the sake of anonymity).

Within each year, conferences come first, then books, then workshops. Within each group, order is alphabetical.

  • 2012
    • AAAI (reviewer)
    • ICAPS (reviewer)
    • KI (reviewer)
  • 2013
    • IJCAI (PC)
    • KI (reviewer)
  • 2014
    • AAAI (reviewer)
  • 2015
    • AAAI (PC)
    • ICAPS (reviewer)
  • 2016
    • ECAI (reviewer)
    • ICAPS (reviewer)
  • 2017
    • AAAI (PC)
    • ICAPS (reviewer)
    • Companion Technology book chapter (reviewer)
    • CGW workshop (reviewer)
  • 2018
    • AAAI (PC)
    • ICAPS (reviewer)
    • HPLAN workshop (PC)
  • 2019
    • AAAI (PC), honored as outstanding PC member
    • ICAPS (SPC)
    • IJCAI (PC)
    • HPLAN workshop (PC)
  • 2020
    • AAAI (reviewer)
    • ECAI (PC)
    • ICAPS (reviewer)
    • IJCAI (PC)
    • Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz book chapter (reviewer)
    • SRC student conference (reviewer)
    • HPLAN workshop (PC)
    • XAIP workshop (PC)
  • 2021
    • AAAI (PC), honored as outstanding PC member
    • ICAPS (SPC)
    • IJCAI (SPC)
    • ACUR student conference (reviewer)
    • HPLAN workshop (PC)
    • WIPC workshop (PC)
  • 2022
    • AAAI (PC)
    • ICAPS (SPC), honored as outstanding SPC member
    • CogSci (PC)
    • HPLAN workshop (PC)
    • XAIP workshop (PC)
  • 2023
    • AAAI (PC)
    • ICAPS (SPC)
    • IJCAI (PC)
    • PRICAI (PC)
    • HAXP workshop (PC)
    • HPLAN workshop (PC)
  • 2024
    • AAAI (PC)
    • ECAI (PC)
    • ICAPS (reviewer)
    • IJCAI (PC)
    • IJCAI survey track (PC)
    • KR (PC)
    • RSS (reviewer)
    • HAXP workshop (PC)
    • HPLAN workshop (PC)
    • RDDPS workshop (PC)
    • TSDO workshop (PC)
    • XAI workshop (PC)
  • 2025
    • AAAI (PC)

Glossary of Conference and WorkshopAcronyms


  • AAAI: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Conference (ranked A*)
  • ACUR: The Australasian Conference for Undergraduate Research (not ranked; semi-local event)
  • ECAI: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ranked A)
  • ICAPS: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ranked A*)
  • IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ranked A*)
  • KI: Konferenz für Künstliche Intelligenz (German Conference on Artificial Intelligence) (ranked C)
  • KR: International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (ranked A*)
  • PRICAI: Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ranked B)
  • SRC: ANU Student Research Conference (not ranked; semi-local event)
  • RSS: Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (ranked A*)


  • CGW: Computer Games Workshop
  • HAXP: Human-Aware and Explainable Planning (HAXP); note that HAXP is a new name (since 2023) for the XAIP workshop
  • HPLAN: ICAPS Workshop on Hierarchical Planning
  • TSDO: Workshop on Trustworthy Sequential Decision-making and Optimization
  • WIPC: Workshop of the International Planning Competition (IPC)
  • XAIP: Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence Planning; note that XAIP got renamed into HAXP in 2023
  • XAI: Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence
  • RDDPS: Workshop on Reliable Data-Driven Planning and Scheduling