Songtuan is the first PhD student I agreed to supervise at the ANU. (From February 2021 ongoing.) I am both his primary supervisor and panel chair. His associate supervisors are Dr. Alban Grastien (from the ANU) and Dr. Gregor Behnke (from the University of Amsterdam).
His main topic is modeling support. More specifically, research questions evolve around fixing flawed domain models (both hierarchical and non-hierarchical). Provided with a set of non-solution plans, how can the model be fixed so that these plans are solutions in the repaired domain? Further research topics are pure verification (i.e., is the given plan a solution?). Our work involves both theoretical investigations (how hard are these problems computationally?) as well as solving these problems practically.
Websites by Songtuan:
Publications were only maintained until his graduation. (Although you will still find those co-authored later with me, Pascal.)